### 그룹정책편집 추가 for Win7 (Home Premium, Home Basic and Starter) ###

아래의 프로그램을 설치 by davehc in windows 7 forum


NOTE 1: Windows 7 64-bit (x64) 경우 "c:\windows\SysWOW64"의 "GroupPolicy", "GroupPolicyUsers" 폴더와  gpedit.msc를 "C:\Windows\System32" 폴더로 복사해야함.

NOTE 2: "MMC could not create the snap-in"에러인 경우

1. Run the installer and leave it at the last step (do not click on the "Finish" button).

2. Now go to C:\Windows\Temp\gpedit\ folder.

3. If you are running 32-bit (x86) edition of Windows 7, right-click on x86.bat file and choose "Open With -> Notepad" option. If you are running 64-bit (x64) edition of Windows 7, right-click on x64.bat file and choose "Open With -> Notepad" option.

4. You'll find a total of 6 lines containing the following string in the file:


5. Edit those lines and replace %username%:f with "%username%":f

For example)

  Original: icacls %WinDir%\SysWOW64\gpedit.dll /grant:r %username%:f

  New:      icacls %WinDir%\SysWOW64\gpedit.dll /grant:r "%username%":f

6. Save and run the file (right-click -> Run as Administrator).

7. That's it. You'll have working gpedit.msc.


### 작업표시줄 그룹화 해제 ###

1.[그룹 정책 편집] 실행 : gpedit.msc

2.[사용자 구성]->[관리 템플릿]->[시작 메뉴 및 작업 표시줄]

3.[작업 표시줄 항목을 그룹으로 표시되는 기능을 사용 안함] -> [사용] 으로 변경

4.시작메뉴속성 > 작업표시줄단추 > 단추하나로표시안함 설정

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